Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.
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Simplifying ventilation network solutions in MEMC systems in US coal mines

Mining Engineering , 2011, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 47-52

Luo, Yi; Cheng, Jianwei


Simulation of the multi-entry and multi-crosscut (MEMC) ventilation systems commonly employed in U.S. underground coal mines can be very tedious, due to the large number of crosscuts with stoppings to be represented in the network models. In order to reduce the amount of work needed to build the models, a common practice is to represent a number of crosscuts with one equivalent airway. However, this introduces certain errors into the simulation results. In this paper, algorithms have been proposed to simplify the ventilation networks of common MEMC systems encountered in panel development operations. The algorithms can be used to reduce a MEMC system into one airway with an equivalent resistance and to determine the airflow distributions in the system and the leakages through the stoppings.