Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.
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Haul truck fuel consumption and CO2 emission under various engine load conditions

Mining Engineering , 2010, Vol. 62, No. 12, pp. 44-48

Kecojevic, V.; Komljenovic, D.


Environmental and economic costs related to equipment fuel consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission present a substantial challenge to the mining industry. Haul trucks are an integral part of the overall surface mining system and they consume a significant quantity of fuel. Consequently, they produce a significant amount of CO2. The objective of this research is to (i) establish a mathematical relationship among a truck’s fuel consumption, power and engine load factors and (ii) determine the amount of a truck’s CO2 emission and the associated cost that may arise from potential CO2 legislation. In order to achieve these objectives, the authors have considered original equipment manufacturer (OEM) haul trucks, which are commonly used in surface mining operations. The research presented here may be used by mining professionals to help determine the cost and environmental burden of the trucks’ application and efficiently manage energy consumption.