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Roasting kinetics of high-arsenic copper concentrates: a review

Minerals & Metallurgical Processing , 2012, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 121-128

Devia, M.; Wilkomirsky, I.; Parra, R.


The roasting process of copper concentrates containing variable quantities of arsenic in a fluidized bed regime was analyzed, considering the technical literature published on the topic in the last quarter century. Although emphasis has been given to the analysis in the fluidized bed regime, other processes have also been considered, under a reducing, neutral or oxidizing atmosphere. The kinetic mechanisms of roasting, as well as the models that have been applied or those likely to be used to explain the kinetics of arsenic removal, are analyzed. Regarding the kinetic mechanisms, those that have been applied to copper concentrates with both high and low arsenic content are included. The roasting kinetic model includes the kinetic data analysis techniques, general models, equations and an estimation of the conversion degree through dynamic, differential and integral methods, as well as particular models for mineralogical components, such as smelter dust and copper concentrates with low and high arsenic content.