Application of fatigue management systems: small mines and low technology solutions
Mining Engineering
, 2014, Vol. 66, No. 4, pp. 69-75
Eiter, B.M.; Steiner, L.; Kelhart, A.
The impact of fatigue is seen not only in its effect on job performance of haul truck operators but also on the health of the operator and the productivity at the mine site. Its impact can even extend outside of the mine site to the health and well-being of the surrounding community (Fourie et al., 2010). In this paper, a case study of a small surface mining organization is presented. The goal is to highlight the fatigue risk management system implemented at the studied mine site. Mine safety personnel who were interviewed discuss the changes made to the infrastructure of the mine, to administrative areas such as the number of shifts and the use of vacation time, as well as the implementation of new technology into haulage vehicles. This paper reviews how these changes are supported in the research literature.