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Use of the 1500-pDR for gravimetric respirable dust measurements at mines

Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration , 2012, Vol. 332, No. 1, pp. 514-520

Reed, W.R.; Potts, J.D.; Cecala, A.B.; Archer, W.J.


 The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) uses light-scattering real-time dust monitors (nephelometers) in its research to develop dust controls to reduce respirable silica dust overexposures in miners. Recently, the model 1500-pDR, an active nephelometer (i.e., with cyclone and pump configuration), was introduced by Thermo Scientific. Testing was completed to ensure compatibility with the metal/nonmetal mine dust personal sampling unit (M/NMDPSU). Results of testing demonstrated that gravimetric concentrations measured from the 1500-pDR are comparable to the gravimetric concentrations measured using the M/NMDPSU, without need for correction, under commonly observed dust loading conditions.