Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.
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Application of impact-resistant steel sets for underground roof fall rehabilitation

Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration , 2011, Vol. 330, No. 1, pp. 452-461

Ma, K.J.; Stankus, J.C.; Faulkner, D.


To protect mine personnel and moving equipment at underground roof fall areas, mine operators typically install steel sets, which are covered with wooden blocks and backfilled with an expanding-type cement material. In large roof falls, the cost of void backfilling becomes prohibitively high, causing some mines to leave the voids open. However, the durability of wood over time and the capability of the steel set and wood lagging to resist falling rock are unknown. This has caused concern for the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and ground control engineers. During the last few years, Keystone Mining Services, LLC developed various impact-resistant steel set designs that were approved by MSHA and installed in various underground fall rehabilitations. This paper presents an impact-resistant steel set design methodology, including (1) steel set design per AISC national standard, (2) design, development and laboratory testing of a waterproof coated impact-resistant lagging panel and (3) impactresistant steel set design based on the law of conservation of energy. Two underground cases will be included detailing the application of the system.