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Long-term mine planning of the Malanjkhand copper deposit

Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration , 2011, Vol. 330, No. 1, pp. 563-572

Samanta, G.; Samanta, B.; Chakravarty, D.


 The present study highlights the planning and design aspects of a well-known openpit copper deposit in India. The mine has been operational since 1982 and presently reaches a depth of 168 m below the surface. The present planning effort has been given due consideration in view of the recent upsurge of copper prices in the global market. The prime focus of the study has been directed towards examining the possible extent of final pit beyond the current pit outline and generating an extraction sequence of future mining operations. To this end, an orebody model of the deposit has been developed and the optimized pit has been derived using L-G 3D algorithm. A sensitivity analysis has also been performed to scrutinize the possible effects of the changing economic scenarios on the ultimate pit configuration. It has been observed that with the current production rate, mine life can be extended another 40 years. With a five-year production plan, these materials can be extracted in eight push-back schemes. The extraction sequence of these push-backs has been outlined in this paper.