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Selection, design and construction of retaining structure to support the primary crusher relocation project at Round Mountain Mine

Mining Engineering , 2010, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 44-44

MacIntosh, O.; Lofftus, V.


The Round Mountain gold mine, located 90 km (55 miles) north of Tonopah, NV began large-scale production in 1977. During 2008 Round Mountain Gold Corp. (RMGC) relocated the primary crusher facility approximately 300 m (1,000 ft) to make room for the next phase of openpit mining activities. This facility was installed in 1988 and used a log-crib retaining wall and dump pocket.

RMGC selected Hilfiker Retaining Walls and Collins Engineers, Inc. to provide design and materials for a new 17-m- (56-ft-) high mechanically-stabilized embankment (MSE) wall to support the haul trucks at the new location. The construction contractor was EarthTech West Ltd. of Norwood, CO.

An MSE wall with a cast-in-place concrete face was chosen as a durable, yet less expensive alternative to the reinforced concrete dump pocket that was originally designed for the project. The arrangement of the MSE wall is of an unusual configuration to meet a variety of operational and maintenance requirements.

This paper outlines the selection process, design and construction of the MSE wall.