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Impact of using synchronous condensers for power system stability and improvement of short-circuit power in mining projects

Mining Engineering , 2015, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 38-44

Nambiar, M.; Konstantinovic, Z.

Due to the remote locations of mining projects and the need for long transmission lines to provide electrical power, mining sites often operate with poor network power quality and low short-circuit capacity. To cope with this situation, more and more mining operators are considering the installation of appropriately designed synchronous condensers together with power factor correction and harmonic filter systems (PFC & HFS). The installation of such power quality equipment is viewed as a technological advancement in the mining application. An adequate level of short-circuit power is essential and has to be ensured for the safe and reliable operation of especially large cycloconverter-driven gearless mill drive systems (GMDs) used for grinding. This paper explores the impact, technical advantage and reasoning for the selection of this advanced hybrid technology to cope with the power system challenges of future mining projects. It also delves into the potential problems and how to address them.