Extraction of rare earth elements from upgraded phosphate flotation tailings
Minerals & Metallurgical Processing
, 2016, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 23-30
Al-Thyabat, S.; Zhang, P.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.19150/mmp.6464
ABSTRACT:Phosphate rock contains traces of rare earth elements (REEs) and can be a secondary source of these critical materials as large tonnages of phosphate rock are mined annually. Attention has mostly focused on the extraction of REEs from phosphogypsum, which contains more than 70 percent of the REEs reporting to phosphate concentrate, with only limited work conducted on REE extraction from sand tailings and slime even though they account for 16 percent and 15 percent, respectively, of REEs mined with phosphate matrix.
In this work, phosphate flotation tailings were upgraded by gravity separation and froth flotation. Gravity separation was conducted using a laboratory shaking table, while flotation was conducted in a Denver D-12 flotation cell. The concentrated tailings were then leached by nitric acid followed by REE extraction with solvent and ion-exchange resin.
The sand tailings were assayed as having 2.6 percent phosphate (P2O5 ) and 198.1 μg/g REEs. It was found that the shaking table could produce tailing concentrate assayed as having 8.6 percent P2O5 and 616 μg/g REEs but with only 20 percent REE recovery, while the froth flotation produced froth concentrate assayed as having 8.1 percent P2O5 and 368.2 μg/g REEs with 63.5 percent REE recovery. Leaching the flotation concentrate with 5.2 M (25 percent) nitric acid followed by extraction with solvent and ion-exchange resin yielded precipitates with REE contents of 0.926 and 0.314 percent, respectively, compared with 0.716 and 0.213 percent when table concentrate was used.