Measuring the effectiveness of mining shovels
Mining Engineering
, 2016, Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 45-50
Dindarloo, S.R.; Siami-Irdemoosa, E.; Frimpong, S.
ABSTRACT:Electric and hydraulic shovels are the dominant loading machinery in surface mining operations. Despite their critical role in production and their high capital and operating costs, no reliable and comprehensive quantitative performance metric is available. In this paper, a stochastic shovel effectiveness (SSE) measure is proposed for the purpose of quantifying the performance effectiveness of these shovels. The SSE is based on the widely used method of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in the manufacturing industry. The OEE measures the performance effectiveness of equipment by multiplying its mechanical availability, utilization and production quality. In manufacturing processes, quality rate is the ratio of the total number of products minus the number of defective products – equivalent to the number of acceptable products – to the total number of products. The SSE similarly uses the mechanical-availability and utilization terms, but instead of quality rate it uses a new parameter named bucket rate.