Activation-flotation kinetics of depressed marmatite and chalcopyrite in cyanidation tailings using sodium hypochlorite as activator
Minerals & Metallurgical Processing
, 2016, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 131-136
Yang, X.; Huang, X.; Qiu, T.
ABSTRACT:The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the dosage of sodium hypochlorite as activator on the flotations of depressed marmatite and depressed chalcopyrite, with a focus on activation-flotation kinetics. Four flotation kinetic models were applied to test data using 1stOpt statistical analysis software to estimate the relationships between the maximum flotation recovery rates for the depressed marmatite and depressed chalcopyrite, the flotation rate constants and the sodium hypochlorite dosages. Within the range investigated, the highest flotation performances of depressed marmatite and depressed chalcopyrite were obtained at 2.5 mL/L sodium hypochlorite with zinc recovery rate of 93.8 percent and 3 mL/L sodium hypochlorite with copper recovery rate of 94.6 percent, respectively, after four minutes of flotation. A second-order model with rectangular distribution of flotabilities gave the best fit to test data collected at various sodium hypochlorite dosages. For the highest flotation performances of depressed marmatite and depressed chalcopyrite, the respective equations of their flotation models were derived and presented.