Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.
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Minimum engineering requirements for assessing mining projects

Minerals & Metallurgical Processing , 2016, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 214-225

Larsen, D.; Addison, R.; Kehmeier, R.; Swendseid, T.; Brown, T.; Uhrie, J.



The development of a mining project necessarily progresses through many steps, beginning with the identification of a mineral resource and continuing through project construction. Several classifications of engineering study development are described, including preliminary economic assessment (PEA) or scoping studies, prefeasibility studies (PFS), feasibility studies (FS) and regulatory codes, each with a specific project organizational objective. This paper addresses the PEA, PFS and FS types of reports that are used by companies to evaluate projects, meet regulatory requirements and seek financing. The minimum requirements for engineering studies, focusing on the needs of financial institutions considering investment in a project, are outlined.