Effects of solids concentration on gas dispersion in industrial mechanical cells
Minerals & Metallurgical Processing
, 2017, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 30-35
Lopez-Saucedo, F.; Uribe-Salas, A.; Davila-Pulido, G.; Magallanes-Hernandez, L.; Batista Rodriguez, J.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.19150/mmp.7246
ABSTRACT:This paper presents the results of tests performed to study the effect of slurry solids concentration on the behavior of gas dispersion in industrial-scale mechanical flotation cells. The experiments were conducted at five concentrator facilities run by a Mexican mining company, specifically in the rougher bank of the lead/zinc flotation circuits. Those mechanical cells having significant contribution to the performance of the circuit, that is, the cells that enable high recovery, were characterized. The measurement protocol enables measurement of the superficial gas velocity, gas holdup and bubble size, and sampling of the mineral slurry. The measured data indicate that bubble size and gas holdup decreases as the concentration of solids increases.