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Comparative study of pellets fired in pot grate and grate kiln pilot furnaces

Minerals & Metallurgical Processing , 2017, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 84-90

Wendling, S.S.; Nascimento, R.C.; Wendling, F.



The objective of this research is to study the quality of blast-furnace iron ore pellets with binary basicity 1 fired on a pilot scale using the two main firing processes that are presently in use in the world and comparing them. Currently, the great majority of pellet producers use the traveling grate process because of its higher production capacity. In this study, the physical and chemical qualities of the pellet feed, limestone, anthracite and bentonite were determined and the amount of additives for a blast furnace pellet with the defined basicity was calculated. The physical properties of the green and dried pellets were determined accordingly. Produced pellets, after being fired on a pilot scale using traveling grate and grate kiln, were subjected to chemical analysis and physical testing. No significant difference was observed in the metallurgical quality — that is, reducibility index (RI), reducing disintegration index (RDI) and swelling index (SWI) — of the pellets produced by both processes. However, a comparison of cold physical tests — tumble and cold compression strength — shows improved quality of the pellets fired using the grate kiln process.

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