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Mining discrete-event simulation projects: A chronological, comprehensive review from 2008 to 2015

Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration , 2017, Vol. 342, No. 1, pp. 1-14

Tarshizi, E.; O’Connor, L.



The objective of this work is to provide a detailed review and a list of references in chronological order, comprising 80 recent technical papers, on the use of discrete-event simulation (DES) modeling in mining engineering. In this article, the review papers of published mine simulation projects through 2007 are summarized, and then a comprehensive review of individual articles published from 2008 to 2015 is presented. This survey work also includes analyses of the simulation tools used in the published projects, mining types and applications in order to assess these key features and evaluate the recent state of research in mine DES simulation. In addition, an interactive map visualization for the locations of the simulated projects is made available on a website to benefit current and prospective scholars in the field. The results of this investigation revealed that the most common application of DES in mining had been mining equipment selection and analysis, while ore processing and risk management projects were less frequently reported. The results also showed that modeling surface mines were in the majority, but the trend of publications for underground mine simulations had also increased. According to the results, ARENA was the most popular simulation software package, but several simulation tools that were only used once or twice in the mining projects are also included in this review.