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Effects of cake thickness and pressure on the filtration of coal refuse slurry

Minerals & Metallurgical Processing , 2018, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 125-132

Raman, G.S.S.; Klima, M.S.



The effects of pressure and cake thickness were studied using a split-plot design for pressure filtration of a fine refuse slurry obtained from a bituminous coal preparation facility. Pressure filtration offers the potential to significantly reduce the moisture content of the fine refuse stream with the addition of little to no flocculants, thereby minimizing the volume of refuse stored in impoundments and providing a recycle water stream for use within the plant. Experimental results showed that the final cake moisture decreased with increase in pressure and decrease in cake thickness. In addition, specific cake resistances calculated for the various tests indicated an increasing trend with increasing pressure and decreasing cake thickness. With increase in cake thickness, an increase in cake moisture and the weight of solids deposited in the cake was observed. An ANOVA analysis indicated that both cake thickness and pressure significantly affected the cake moisture, while only cake thickness statistically influenced the weight of solids in the cake. A regression model was developed with an R2 value of about 0.99 to relate cake thickness, the single largest statistically significant factor, with the weight of solids in the cake. Filter capacities were calculated in terms of the solids deposited per unit time based on a product specification of 25 percent cake moisture, and it was observed that the thinnest cake had the highest filter capacity.