Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.
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Introducing a new mine ventilation design method by integrating discrete-event mining process simulation and ventilation simulation

Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration , 2018, Vol. 344, No. 1, pp. 48-61

Kocsis, K.C.



Underground ventilation systems, which require electricity to operate the fans and fossil fuel for heating in winter, can account for a significant portion of the energy consumption of mines. Recent studies have shown that the ventilation system in deep and highly mechanized metal mines could be responsible for 40 to 60 percent of their overall energy consumption. Presently, underground ventilation systems are designed for peak air volume requirements, which usually occur well into a future stage of the mines’ operating life. As a result, during their early operating stages, the intake air volume of the mines could be well in excess of their true air volume needs. Such ventilation systems could be considered as uneconomic, and to remain competitive the ventilation design needs to improve while the mines are trying to reduce energy consumption and their carbon footprints.

   This paper introduces a new mine ventilation design method where an underground base-metal mine’s ventilation system is designed by integrating discrete-event mining process simulation (DES) with mine ventilation modeling techniques. Furthermore, based upon the output data generated by means of discrete-event mining process simulations, the air volume requirement for the operating life of the mine is determined for “traditional” versus “activity-based” ventilation requirements. The output data generated through ventilation simulations are then used to quantify the economic and environmental benefits of an activity-based ventilation delivery system.